2025 is approaching and it’s a beautiful time to begin practicing yoga, to deepen your existing practice or to try a new style of yoga. Of course, anytime is a good time to commit to your yoga practice but, astrologically speaking, New Year is always a particularly potent time to manifest. That’s because every year, the New Year coincides (within a couple of weeks) with the New Moon in Capricorn. New Moon is when The Sun and The Moon meet in the same sign and The Moon is not visible in the sky. This time of darkness is a powerful time to plant seeds for the future. As the moon blooms into fullness your seeds will take root. Every month the New Moon has a different emphasis or flavour depending on the astrological sign it occurs in. The New Moon that happens around the start of the year is always in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn – the planet of structure, discipline and hard work and it emphasises the success you can achieve when you really commit to something. When we set intentions around the time of the New Moon in Capricorn we have the full support of the cosmos.
This year the New Moon in Capricorn falls on 30th December 2024, literally just before the New Year, with that in mind, you might like to set intentions for your yoga practice in 2025 on or around the New Moon.
What is intention setting?
Intention setting invites us to get clear about what we want and to become aware of the steps needed to achieve our goals. If you don’t have a dream, how you gonna make a dream come true? On New Year’s Day MoreYoga offers free Ignite & Inspire classes at all studios to help you plant seeds for the future. It’s always useful to put some time aside a few days before or after New Year to get really clear on what you want.
For our Yogascopes we’re going to focus on how your yoga practice can help you build your dreams this year. Remember what you learn on the mat is simply a metaphor for what happens off the mat. If you want to find peace, joy, optimism, flexibility, strength and patience – first learn to find it on the mat and then you will be able to keep finding it in your daily life too.
Your sign is ruled by Mars – the planet of drive ambition. You are a fire sign – a vibrant, energetic, high energy sign. You may enjoy fast-paced yoga practices such as Rocket and Power. This year dear Aries, with Saturn moving into your sign in late May and your ruling planet Mars in retrograde motion until late February, I’m inviting you to cultivate calm and discipline. As an Aries, you like to do things in fast and explosive bursts but this year, you are being asked to keep a slow and steady flame burning.
This is a significant year for you dear Aries – the cosmos will bestow you with many valuable lessons to prepare you for greater future success. Anything that is not aligned for you will fall away to make space for better things. You must pay attention to the areas of your life where you are being challenged because those are the areas that offer you the opportunity for the most growth.
Your yoga practice is a great tool to prepare you for the challenges that Saturn will present you with. Will you rise to the challenge in order to be ready for the bigger blessings promised by the planets? Of course you will. Saturn is all about doing the work. There are no shortcuts. You will benefit from setting intentions around strength building and routine. You love to move fast, so on the mat, so one of the challenges this year is to learn to stay in a pose for more than three breaths. Notice how clear your mind gets when you slow things right down. If you’ve never done so before, try Hatha or Yin yoga, if you’re already a practitioner of these styles, commit to a regular practice. This will equip you with patience and equanimity you will need in order to achieve your most cherished dreams this year.
Your sign is ruled by Venus – the planet of beauty and love. You are an earth sign – a steady and sensuous sign. You may enjoy languorous and spacious practices such as Slow Flow and Flow to Restore. This year dear Taurus, Uranus – the planet of rebellion and surprises – is transiting the final degrees of your sign. Around late spring and early summer you may experience an exciting and surprising change. If you would like to know what area of your life this change relates to, check which house Taurus rules in your chart – you can do this by generating a birth chart on astro.com or by booking a session with an astrologer.
In order to prepare for unplanned changes, it’s a good year to cultivate adaptability through your yoga practice. This means trying new things. Maybe it’s an invitation to be a little more adventurous on the mat and try a different variation of a pose, this doesn’t necessarily mean challenging yourself physically, it’s more about being playful and experimental, perhaps bringing in props and using them in different ways.
Taurus, you are known for your love of sensory pleasures – tastes, smell, massage. If you haven’t already done so, 2025 is your year to try a Gong Bath or a Cacao Ceremony, if you’re already a fan of these practices make it a priority to treat yourself to more of this – These practices will help you to stay your steady self no matter what surprises life brings you. 2025 is set to be a year of change so prepare to embrace it both on and off the mat!
Your sign is ruled by Mercury – the planet of communication. You are an air sign – a cerebral, intellectual, quick witted sign. You may enjoy practices that incorporate chanting and breathwork, such as Jivamukti yoga. You also love to exercise that throat chakra so bring in poses such as Cat/Cow and Fish Pose.
This year dear Gemini, you have Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion in your sign until June 2025. With Jupiter in your sign you have luck on your side, so set intentions to maximise that luck. It’s great to feel a little luckier but the luck will be even more potent if you equip yourself with a strong sense of what you would like to achieve this year.
The first half of the year is a good time to travel, a yoga retreat might be a good way to harness those expansive Jupitarian vibes. If you prefer to keep it local – Geminis are the social butterflies of the zodiac – keep your practice fresh and exciting by visiting different studios. Your luck will amplify when you network and expand your social circle. When you build strong friendships and connections exciting new opportunities will be presented to you.
Your sign is ruled by The Moon – The Moon connects us with the subconscious and emotional realm. You are a water sign – sensitive and intuitive. You may enjoy practices such as Restorative and Yin, as you like to go inwards to recharge.
Mars – the planet of drive and ambition – has been dancing in and out of your sign since 4th Sept 2024 and because it’s been in retrograde motion for most of this time, it’s been slowing you down and stalling your plans. When Mars stations direct on the 24th Feb you will finally start to see the fruits of your labour and towards the second half of the year, your plans will suddenly start to accelerate. That’s because in June 2025, you have Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion entering your sign. The intentions that you set at the start of this year should prepare you to harness the luck that is heading your way towards the second half of the year. Be patient, don’t get frustrated and don’t expect immediate results. Circle 24th June in your diary as The Sun and Jupiter will meet in your sign on that day. This is a rare and powerful planetary alignment and a day to make a wish.
As Cancer is associated with themes of home, ancestry and roots you can amplify your luck via your yoga practice by working on the root chakra. This could be through meditation on the root chakra, an earth element Mandala Flow or by practicing bridge pose and reclined bound angle on a regular basis.
Your sign is ruled by The Sun – The Sun connects us with the conscious realm and with creativity and joy. You are a fire sign – energetic and exuberant. In yoga we practice Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) and as you are the sign most deeply connected with The Sun – you will feel recharged, renewed and invigorated if you perform Sun Salutations on a daily basis.
When Pluto (the planet of transformation) entered your opposite sign of Aquarius in November 2024 you entered a new twenty year cycle. This cycle calls upon you to step into your power as a community focused leader. Mars the planet of drive and ambition has been hopping in out of your sign since the 3rd Nov 2024 sometimes offering help on cherished projects but then suddenly stalling them. On the 18th April Mars will re-enter your sign giving your intentions and ambitions a massive boost.
You can prepare to step into the leadership roles that are sure to be coming your way by practicing strong warrior poses and by connecting to the Solar Plexus chakra- the energy point that helps us to tap into our power, courage and self-belief.
Your sign is ruled by Mercury – Mercury is the planet of communication and you have a gift for clear concise detailed communication. You are an earth sign – grounded and meticulous. You may enjoy yoga practices that are precise and thoughtful with clear cues and a focus on form and alignment.
This is a momentous year for you, dear Virgo, as the South Node will shift into your sign in early January. You are being called to align with your highest path in life by letting go of old habits and routines that no longer serve you. This is a year for ancestor work. Exploring who you are and where you came from and challenging yourself to break unhelpful generation cycles. This a year to try to let go of that critical internal monologue by unpacking how it got there in the first place.
You can prepare for these shifts through your yoga practice by inviting more flow, compassion and play into your practice – perhaps attending a Dance Flow Class, a Restorative practice or a Water Element Mandala class.
Your sign is ruled by Venus – Venus is the planet of beauty and love. You have impeccable taste and a strong sense of justice. You are an air sign – charming and sociable. You may enjoy yoga practices with a focus on balancing postures and you tend to favour graceful and harmonious flows.
2024 was a wild ride, am I right? That’s because there were a series of eclipses on the Libra/Aries axis. On the 29th March there is a solar eclipse in your opposite sign of Aries which completes an epic journey of personal evolution that you have been on since Oct 2023. Look back to Oct 2023, what have you discovered since then?
After March you should find that life settles down a lot more and you will return to your natural state of equilibrium.
After so much personal development, it’s a great year to recharge and integrate, so treat yourself to some Yoga Nidra meditation to rebalance. Set a Sankalpa (a Sanskrit word for a heart-felt intention) to plant seeds for the future.
Your sign is ruled by Pluto in modern astrology and Mars in traditional astrology – Pluto is the planet of transformation and Mars is the planet of ambition. You have the ability to constantly transform and evolve. You are a water sign – deep and intense. You may enjoy yoga practices that appeal to your investigative nature so exploratory practices that incorporate somatic work and intuitive movement help you to know yourself better.
This year brings opportunities for spiritual development with Saturn in Pisces connecting to the sign of Scorpio towards the start and end of the year. Saturn has been in fellow water sign Pisces since March 2023 and has been encouraging you to tighten your emotional boundaries and to inject routine and structure to your spiritual and creative practices. In June, when Jupiter – the planet of luck, enters Cancer your emotional life will be given a much need boost. The second half of the year is a great time to invest in your home and create a comfortable sanctuary for yourself.
For you dear Scorpio, 2025 is a year of emotional and spiritual development. Your yoga practice can support you in making the most of the celestial blessings. Work with the Sacral chakra in your yoga practice to cultivate a sense of flow and ease – poses like Lizard and Yogi Squat will help you to stay emotionally balanced so that you can harness the Jupiterian luck that is heading your way.
Your sign is ruled by Jupiter – Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion. You are a truth-seeker and have a huge capacity for fun and adventure. You are a fire sign – an optimist and a philosopher. You may enjoy yoga practices with big expansive poses that incorporate a sense of fun and play.
This year, the eclipses in Virgo and Pisces (March and Sept) may invite changes to your habits and prompt you to deepen your connection to your intuition. Eclipses bring profound revelations and they may redirect your path. Be open to insights that will send you on new adventures. This is a year for travel and for education. You never need much encouragement to sign up for a course or book another expedition but the eclipse will give you an extra push towards self-development in 2025.
To support you in really understanding the insights that the eclipse brings, you might like to work with connecting to the Third Eye chakra – the energy centre for intuition. You can do this through meditation, alternate nostril breathing or by practicing Child’s Pose with your forehead connected to a block or a bolster.
Your sign is ruled by Saturn – Saturn is the planet of structure and life lessons. You are a planner and a hard worker. You are an Earth sign – stoic and unshakeable. You may enjoy yoga practices that are challenging and rigorous such as Ashtanga and Power Yoga.
In 2024 the cosmos gave you a bit of a hard time because Pluto – the planet of transformation – was hanging out in the final degree of your sign. You may have experienced some far reaching changes and arrived at a deeper level of self-knowledge. This year you can expect the pressure to let up. When Jupiter enters your opposite sign of Cancer in June, it will invite you to improve the balance between work and home life and will usher in more harmony.
To release some of the tension that you may have experienced in 2024 and to prepare for the blessings that 2025 will bestow on you, try a Stretch and Mobility flow. When you learn to let loose on the mat, you can take that relaxed and spacious feeling off the mat as well.
Your sign is ruled by Uranus in modern astrology and Saturn in traditional astrology – Uranus is the planet of rebellion and surprises and Saturn is the planet of structure and life lessons. You have the ability to innovate and build strong communities. You are an air sign – a revolutionary thinker and a maverick. You may enjoy practices that give you a sense of community and flows that are unique and inventive.
At the end of 2024 Pluto the planet of transformation moved into your sign for a twenty year sojourn. This means you are at the start of a long journey of personal evolution. Over this time you will be calling in your tribe. You have always marched to the beat of your own drum but having Pluto in your sign will give you even more licence to live your life on your own terms. It’s time to give yourself permission to live fully in your truth.
In your yoga practice, you can work with both the heart chakra and the throat chakra in order to feel connected to others and to cultivate authentic self-expression. Poses like Fish Pose and Seated Twist will help you to harness the most beneficial aspects of the transformative powers of Pluto.
Your sign is ruled by Neptune in modern astrology and Jupiter in traditional astrology – Neptune is the planet of imagination and Jupiter is the planet of luck and expansion. You are blessed with the capacity to dream big. You are a water sign – psychic and imaginative. You may favour practices with beautiful soundtracks and plenty of space to flow and explore.
This is sure to be a memorable year for you, dear Pisces because this year, the North Node enters your sign in early January and you also have Saturn – the planet of structure and life lessons – moving in and out of your sign in 2025.
You are being called to align or realign with your highest path in life. On the 7th September there will be a deep and revelatory total lunar eclipse in your sign. From there, you will be breaking old habits and building new dreams. This is a year to learn to be fully attentive to the signs you will be given. Spend time in nature to sharpen your awareness. If you listen to your higher self you will be divinely guided.
Your yoga practice can help you to grasp the opportunities that are coming your way. Meditation will help you to tune into your inner wisdom and breathwork such as alternate nostril breathing and extended exhalation breathing will regulate your nervous system and leave you calm enough to make bold, life enhancing choices from an informed place.
Wishing you a happy, healthy, prosperous 2025
From MoreYoga, Amanda and the Good Ghosts.

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