LONDON'S BEST YOGA MEMBERSHIP - £1 First Month, Then 1/2 Price for Life

There is a lot of pressure on the New Year, especially after everything that has happened in 2020 and we can put a great deal of pressure on ourselves to set New Year’s Resolutions that are often punishing and short lived. The New Year feels as though it offers a clean slate, a fresh start and the perfect time for manifesting new things…

“Bold declarations with nothing to back them up are designed to set us up for failure, so the shift in mindset from a resolution to an intention is an important one.” Moji Igun

Setting goals and resolutions that are unachievable can negatively affect us mentally causing low self-esteem and self-worth, we might become frustrated with ourselves and find our inner critic is working full time… So instead, as we approach 2021 with anticipation, I invite you to join me in giving up New Year’s resolutions and replacing them with sustainable intentions that support your Mind, Body & Spirit. 

A simple practice for setting Sustainable Intentions for your Holistic Wellbeing:

You will need writing materials and a private space to practice from. 

  1. Dedicate some time to setting your intentions, perhaps a morning or evening. Find a comfortable place to sit quietly and ideally privately. Light a candle if you’d like or put on some calming music to create a relaxing environment. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, clearing your mind of distractions. 
  2. Bring your awareness into your heart and take a few moments to connect with yourself, imagine your heart is opening like a book as you mindfully invite your awareness into it. When you’re ready, open your eyes. 
  3. Take your writing materials and firstly make a list of all the things you’ve found challenging in 2020 – take your time, this year has been tough! 
  4. Now, make a list of all the things you’ve learnt from this year. This might be about yourself, your relationships, your work & what you’ve enjoyed doing less or more of. 
  5. Looking over that list, take some time to reflect on the things you’d like to manifest in your life as we step forwards into 2021. You might like to journal or make a list.

When you’re ready, put down your writing materials.  Place your hands over your chest, close your eyes again and reconnect energetically with your heart space once more. 

Ask yourself the question ‘What do I need for my body, my mind and my spirit’. 

Take a few moments to breathe deeply then open your eyes when you’re ready. 

Intentions are most effective when they are clear and concise such as ‘I will speak more kindly to myself’, ‘I will spend one hour a week painting’ or ‘I will move my body everyday’. Take your time and write down 3 clear intentions for the New Year focusing on the 3 elements below:

  • Your Body: Think about what your body needs and what is sustainable within your schedule, do you want to practice more kindness towards your body or perhaps move more regularly? What intention would support this?


  • Your Mind: Think about what you have found challenging mentally and what has supported your mental health through the ups and downs of this year. Is there a practice you’d like to commit to more regularly to build mental resilience such as breath-work, mindfulness or journaling. Perhaps putting boundaries in place around life/work would help support your mental wellbeing? What intention would support your Mind in 2021?

  • Your Spirit: What is your soul calling out for and how can you better nurture your spirit? Is there a hobby that has fallen to the wayside or perhaps a subject that you’re curious about exploring but haven’t found the time for yet….perhaps now is the time to set an intention to support your soul that re-ignites that inner light within you. What intention would support your spirit in the new year? 

Finally, when you’re ready, close your eyes and bring your awareness back into your heart and invite those 3 clear intentions into this space, planting them like seeds and inviting them to grow. Open your eyes when you’re ready and take 3 cleansing breaths. 

You might like to write your intentions down and place them somewhere you can see them everyday. 

Wishing you a wonderful, bright and meaningful New Year!

Love MoreMind x 

About Liz Joy Hardie

Liz Joy Hardie is Yoga Teacher, Holistic Wellbeing Coach and Head of Vibes at MoreYoga, co-running our MoreMind Project with Stephanie Minchin, coordinating events, content and workshops focused on better supporting our communities mental and physical wellbeing. After starting her career in the fast-paced world of luxury fashion Liz came to Yoga after being diagnosed with Malignant Hypertension and Generalized Anxiety and left with the goal of helping others to lead healthier lives holistically. Liz went on to spent a year working at the Safe Childhoods Foundation in Indonesia, an NGO committed to combatting organized crimes against children, she began to understand the true benefits of Yoga, Meditation and Psychology as therapeutic tools and describes this as a time of total transformation.

Now back in London, Liz is passionate about helping people achieve a healthier, happier lifestyle through her work. She loves bringing people together, encouraging authentic connection and is happiest when facilitating retreats, workshops and events based around Yoga, Positive Psychology and Holistic Wellbeing.

Liz teaches Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin & Restorative Yoga, specialising in teaching Yoga, Mindfulness & Meditation to improve stress & anxiety. She combines this with her work as a Holistic Wellbeing Coach & is dedicated to spreading Joy through her work.