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Have you even caught yourself in your sixth sun salutation wondering what you’re going to have for dinner after class?

After the initial novelty of yoga wears off, you might find yourself reaching a plateau. You’ve mastered the basics, you know your Adho Mukha Svanasana from your Utkatasana and you’re just not feeling that motivated for your weekday classes any more. Time to turn up the heat and add some fire to your practice!


If your practice so far has focused mainly on grounding types of yoga like Yin and Hatha, ashtanga could give you some much needed balance. This formidable flow focusses on mastering sequences before moving on to more challenging postures. With a focus on breathing counts and building heat in the core, Ashtanga will certainly fire you up for the day ahead. Bring a towel!

Rocket Yoga

Related to ashtanga yoga, rocket includes more advanced poses from the start. Expect multiple sun salutations followed by crazy arm balances, inversions and an incredibly satisfying savasana. Don’t be put off by the number of advanced poses in this class – there are always plenty of options for all levels and teachers are well trained in two finger adjustments. An inspiring playlist means you feel fired up for the whole class!


Although not strictly a fiery practice, Iyengar could provide the change of scenery you need. With a very strict focus on alignment, you’ll find yourself perfect basic asanas that you thought you had down already (anyone else hinging on their Downward Facing Dog?). Props are key in this practice!

Come along to one of our classes and see for yourself how firing up your yoga practice may be just what the doctor ordered! View our schedules here.